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ReDeeM: single-cell Regulatory multi-omics with Deep Mitochondrial mutation profiling. ReDeeM is an engineering-free single cell sequencing technology for somatic mutation-based retrospective lineage tracing, clonal/subclonal mapping, with simultaneous cell-state profiling (transcriptomics and chromatin accessibility).

The redeemR is the second component in ReDeeM computational toolsets - redeemV is an in-house python package for mapping and deep mitochondrial mutation calling. (Input from rawdata) - redeemR is an in-house R package for downstream lineage tracing and single cell integrative analysis. (Input from redeemV)

The goal of redeemR is to refine the somatic mitochondiral mutations, build the single-cell phylogenetic tree and facilitate clonal/subclonal-resolved single-cell multiomics analysis.


You can install the development version of redeemR:



  • [Getting started]


If you run into issues and would like to report them, please submit an Issue. Also please feel free to contact authors: cweng{at}, fyu{at}